AmazingTalker Opiniones clases de tagalo online

1990 AmazingTalker reviews

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ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Tagalog/Filipino Teacher

10/10/2020 17:05
Ruth es una profesora muy agradable y simpática con entusiasmo por enseñar. La clase se ha hecho amena y me ha gustado mucho. // Ruth is a nice and kind teacher with enthusiasm for teaching. The class was enjoyable and useful and I liked it so much :)

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Teacher Kim 🌹 English for Kids and Adults 🌹 Learn English with Fun 🌻

05/06/2024 08:43
Kim is an excellent teacher, she challenges me but is also understanding when I don't understand the material. She is very nice. The textbook is Tagalog for Beginners by Joi Barrios, for some lessons that are difficult for me she has prepared her own lessons. I can highly recommend her as an online teacher.

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

31/05/2024 09:44
I have so far had two lessons with Geraldine and have learnt so much already. She is very encouraging and enthusiastic about teaching Tagalog and i have thoroughly enjoyed our sessions. I look forward to many more lessons with Geraldine :)

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)🌻🇵🇭Bb. Monica Nikki 🇵🇭🌻

30/05/2024 07:16
She is the native speaker in the Philippines. She shares the enthusiasm to teach Tagalog to the foreigners. She is willing to teach more beyond the class for me which I find that it’s pretty productive and helpful for students to learn more. She speaks both English and Tagalog. She tries hard adjusting the student’s accent which I find it’s crucial for learning Tagalog.

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)🔥Ryan🔥 English for Teens and Adults🌹Conversationalist🌹Business English

24/05/2024 16:01
I like that Ryan's classes are very conversational. We talk about daily life and make sentences using relevant vocabulary and turns of phrases, which is exactly the way I want to learn Tagalog. I appreciate him also pointing out what the correct form of a sentence would be, and how it is actually said colloquially in the Philippines – making that distinction is very important in order to talk like a native speaker.

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ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Jeremie

21/05/2024 07:20
Thank you for the lessons po! Very informative and I'm able to follow along. Teacher conciously gives space for me to practise pronouncing and saying things while helping me with my errors (:

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

17/05/2024 08:04
I enjoy all my lessons with Geraldine. I like her teaching style. She is very encouraging and easy to learn from. I always look forward to my classes with her. I've made so much progress!

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)DONNA💁🏻‍♀️12yrs Exp👩‍🏫Licensed English Teacher🏆All Ages🔥

25/04/2024 22:08
I had a lot of chance to speak Tagalog in the lesson today. My teacher helped me make sentences when I was not able to express what I wanted to say. And, she always writes down what we talk on chat so that I can read it. That helps me a lot because I can review what I learned during the lesson.

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

09/03/2024 16:51
Geraldine is an awesome teacher and very helpful. She is able to adjust the lessons to suit my learning pace and can address any areas where I might be struggling. She will adjust the lesson pace to suit you and all the classes feel relaxed, yet are also challenging. I cannot recommend Geraldine highly enough!

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

06/03/2024 12:02
I love working with Geraldine! She is so encouraging and caters the lessons to my understanding levels. I end the work day and feel extremely tired but Geraldine’s lessons give me a lot of energy and I’m excited to learn with her. This was my first full lesson with her and I’m looking forward to my next one!

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)🔥Ryan🔥 English for Teens and Adults🌹Conversationalist🌹Business English

05/03/2024 16:31
I have been studying Tagalog one month, and I am very satisfied with his class so far. He is very smart teacher not just in knowledge but also in class management and caring minds on behalf of a student. I will go ahead with this teacher for Tagalog learning, definitely.

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

15/02/2024 23:43
I have completed 5 lessons with Geraldine. She is a friendly and nice teacher! The lessons focus on grammar and Geraldine’s classes are well organised and informative. I always look forward to the next lesson :)

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

24/01/2024 07:02
I have been learning with Geraldine for two and a half years and she has been very helpful with helping me understand Tagalog sentence structure, grammar, words and phrases. She is patient, kind and will always help you to understand concepts you might be struggling with. If you ever have any doubts she is always there to help you. Thank you Geraldine for all you have taught me and I look forward to growing in my Tagalog journey as life progresses. Maraming salamat po!

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)🙋Ako si Farrah💯Magaling at Eksperto sa Tagalog😊Tara usap tayo!

18/01/2024 06:01
The lesson about yes/no question - touch on point, very quick and clear explanation, also provide real-life examples that are easy to understand. Again, I'm encouraged to speak more and I can feel tagalog improving!

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

26/10/2023 20:37
Today I had my trial class with Geraldine, and I loved her way of teaching, explaining the reason behind each grammar point, not trying to just feed me with sentences to learn and remember like other tagalog teachers usually try to do. She knows the depths of the language and that's the kind of teacher you want if you want to learn tagalog! Looking forward to our weekly classes :) Salamat po :)

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Jessica🎓Master in Education 8+Years Experience

24/10/2023 22:19
Great teacher!. I love her teaching style on how she explains the vocabulary and the basic phrases Tagalog patterns. She makes sure I understand the lesson. I love when she asked me about the previous lesson and reviewed it. The exercise during class is good! Thank you again teacher!

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)🌻🇵🇭Bb. Monica Nikki 🇵🇭🌻

20/10/2023 23:04
I like Monica’s teaching style, very enthusiastic and sounds fun! I am an absolute beginner, so I think that is some how a way to motivate myself with! An enthusiastic and fun teacher :)

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)🙋Ako si Farrah💯Magaling at Eksperto sa Tagalog😊Tara usap tayo!

14/09/2023 20:20
Teacher Farrah is excellent. Her speech and pronunciation are very clear. Tho, this is my trial class, she made the session very interesting that I want to learn more. Thank you Teacher Farrah.

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)Geraldine A. Garcia - mahusay sa baralila🏅

21/08/2023 21:11
Geraldine really prepared much before class, and explained in detail for your questions, she is good at teaching grammars, can answer grammatical questions which sounds weird to a native speaker.

ha escrito una reseña de su Profesor(a)🙋Ako si Farrah💯Magaling at Eksperto sa Tagalog😊Tara usap tayo!

02/08/2023 09:18
The teacher was early for class, she has a 10/10 in my books. Great personality and charisma as well as enthusiasm to teach. She was very kind and patient as well as relaxed and worked with me very well. I highly recommend this teacher for any future people interested in learning Languages from her. I take it with great respect to say that I believe she is not only a great fit for this site but a great representation of what teaching should be about for the teachers out there. I am very pleased

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Los precios de cada tutor de en son determinados por ellos mismos. Puede elegir el tutor con el precio que le conviene. Al encontrar el tutor quien pueda satisfacer todas sus necesidades, le aconsejaríamos que tome clase ya.
Cuántas clases de necesito comprar?

Los precios de cada tutor de en son determinados por ellos mismos. Puede elegir el tutor con el precio que le conviene. Al encontrar el tutor quien pueda satisfacer todas sus necesidades, le aconsejaríamos que tome clase ya.
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